Tuesday, October 22 (12:30 pm)
Join us as we kick off our Speaker Series with a talk by our own parochial vicar Fr. Peter. who came to Blessed Sacrament a year ago after serving in the same role at Saint Peter‘s Parish in Olney. A native of Germantown, MD, he graduated from public schools and Montgomery College before entering the seminary. He was ordained to the priesthood in June, 2022. Fr. Peter will talk to us about discerning his vocation to the priesthood and his personal experiences as a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Washington, a topic unfamiliar to most of us. Fr. Peter is noted for his exuberance and commitment to spreading the good news of the Gospel.
All are invited to join us and urged to bring a friend.
Fr. Peter will lead us to on a faith journey to the St. Elizabeth Anne Seton Shrine and his alma mater nearby Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, both in beautiful Western Maryland. Enjoy the Fall Foliage as we travel to these significant sites. Our trip will include Mass and a tour of the Seton Shrine, lunch at a local restaurant, visit to the Grotto at the “Mount” and meet with our current Seminarians. The plans are still evolving…check upcoming bulletins for additional details and price information.
Kids ‘n’ Seniors Halloween Part
Please join us for lunch and all the fun on Monday, October 28 at 12 noon in the Parish Center-main level. The costumed children from the Sacred Heart of Mary Sodality will join us for some scary fun. RSVP: Rita Killian, [email protected] or 202 363-5069.