Washington Council 224
5034 Wisconsin Ave NW, Ste 200
Washington, DC 20016
Founded on April 25, 1897 Washington Council is the oldest Council in the District of Columbia.
Washington Council, Council 224 is present here at Blessed Sacrament.
We have held Free Throw Contests, collected Coats for Kids, provided scholarship opportunities with our sponsored Essay Contest, assisted with the Greg Gannon Food Drive, beautified Holy Rood Cemetery in Georgetown, and generously funded the Stations of the Cross Vace pizza which resulted in the contributions collected to be donated to the SHARE Program.
The Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 8PM.
The Council Hall is located at 5034 Wisconsin Avenue NW Washington, DC 20016.
If interested in joining the Knights of Columbus, use the link below
Be sure to put down the District of Columbia as the jurisdiction at the top.
If you have any questions, contact:
[email protected]
Instagram: kofc224dc
Twitter: kofc224dc