The initiation of children into the sacramental life of the Church is primarily the responsibility and concern of parents (CIC 890, RC 3). Although the child has reached the age of reason at the time of preparation for First Eucharist, they have not yet been fully initiated. They joyfully await to receive the nourishment of Jesus' Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist. As parents are called to assist their child in the life of holiness, we are here to support your efforts in every way possible.
Registration for Holy Communion 2024-2025
1. BAPTIZED CATHOLIC (Baptismal Certificate required)
2. WEEKLY INSTRUCTION (Parish school, School of Religion, non-parish Catholic school or home instruction. Contact DRE for further information )
If your child is older and has not received First Eucharist, please the Director of Religious Education, as soon as possible to enroll your son or daughter in our Special Sacramental Classes for older students. To share in Communion for the first time children must have “sufficient knowledge and careful preparation so as to understand the mystery of Christ according to their capacity” (Code of Canon Law 913).
If your child is in need of School of Religion classes (i.e., is not enrolled in a Catholic school) for First Eucharist and First Reconciliation, please contact the Director of Religious Education.
For the homebound, Blessed Sacrament has a homebound ministry, which ensures that those parishioners confined to their homes are visited on a regular basis by an extraordinary minister.
Priests and deacons visit local hospitals on a regular basis. If we know a parishioner is hospitalized, we will arrange a visit as soon as possible. In addition, Sibley Hospital is staffed by two Catholic chaplains. Suburban Hospital is cared for by the priests and extraordinary ministers of St. Jane de Chantal Parish in Bethesda. Georgetown University Hospital is cared for by the Jesuit Community of Georgetown University.